Warning: MMA7260Q and MMA7361L accelerometers operate on a 3.3 volt powersupply! Do not use 5 volt.
Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout - MMA7260Q
Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout - MMA7361L
This is a breakout board for Freescale's MMA7361L three-axis analog MEMS accelerometer. The sensor requires a very low amount of power and has a g-select input which switches the accelerometer between ±1.5g and ±6g measurement ranges. Other features include a sleep mode, signal conditioning, a 1-pole low pass filter, temperature compensation, self test, and 0g-detect which detects linear freefall. Zero-g offset and sensitivity are factory set and require no external devices.
application note
MPU-6050 Accelerometer + Gyro
The MPU-6050 devices combine a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer on the same silicon die, together with an onboard Digital Motion Processor™ (DMP™), which processes complex 6-axis MotionFusion algorithms. The device can access external magnetometers or other sensors through an auxiliary master I²C bus, allowing the devices to gather a full set of sensor data without intervention from the system processor. or find this page here or find this page here
MPU6050 Arduino library