**Humidity and temperature sensor**\\ \\ **SHT15**\\ This is a simple breakout board for the SHT15 humidity sensor from Sensirion. The SHT15 digital humidity and\\ temperature sensor is fully calibrated and offers high precision and excellent long-term stability at low cost.\\ The digital CMOSens Technology integrates two sensors and readout circuitry on one single chip.\\ \\ {{:sfe-sht15-humidity-temperature-sensor.jpg::?&300 | SHT15}}\\ {{:datasheet-humidity-sensor-sht1x.pdf:| datasheet}}\\ \\ {{:sht15-arduino-hookup.png?&300 :| SHT15 hookup}}\\ \\ {{:sht15_arduino_hookup_code_.zip| sht15 arduino hookup code}}\\ \\ **DHT11**\\ Another humidity and temperature sensor is the DHT11\\ {{ :dht11.jpg?300|DHT11}}\\ \\ Here is an example how to read this sensor with an arduino\\ {{ :read_dht11.zip |read_dht11.zip }}\\ \\ This is the library you need. In the Arduino programming environment go to sketch/include library/Add .ZIP library to include this library.\\ {{ ::dht11.zip | DHT11 Arduino library}}\\ \\ And how to connect it to an arduino:\\ {{ ::arduino-and-dht11_bb1_3vsonloxcb.png?400|}}\\ **Do not swap + and - because this will destroy the sensor!**\\ \\ {{ ::dht11-technical-data-sheet-translated-version-1143054.pdf |DHT11 datasheet}}\\